Article 20114

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Shevchenko Anatoliy Pavlovich, Applicant, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Kotova Lyudmila Gennad'evna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economics and world economy, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The construction industry is currently one of the key industries in the Russian economy, dedicated to solve important tasks on improving the socioeconomic development of regions and the state as a whole. Development of the construction complex is ensured by the development of individual organizations, therefore, along with creation of favorable external conditions of functioning of the enterprises of the construction industry, namely improvement of legislation, formation of equal competitive conditions on the market of investments, decrease in the cost of loans, great influence on efficiency growth has been exerted by enhancement of management of building and construction companies. Modern enterprises are put in conditions when they are forced to operate in unstable market conditions. In this regard, lately there has appeared a need to adapt to the fast-changing environment. Solution of the problems, faced by the companies of the construction complex, is impossible without formation of a mechanism of sustainable development of the organization, ensuring stable functioning in the market conditions. The purpose of this work is to consider a mechanism of sustainable development of the construction industry. 
Materials and methods. The analysis of the foreign and domestic economic literature shows that science has not yet worked out a unified approach to study of the problems of sustainable development of the construction enterprise. The solution of this problem today is recognized as the most important and topical task, examined by many scientists-economists, and many scientific works are devoted to development of stability of functioning of the enterprise. On the other hand the problems of stable progressive development of construction industry enterprises are still not considered properly. Although the specific features of development of construction enterprises are identified by the researchers, the construction organization as an object of sustainable development is still poorly described by scientific works on the subject. Analysis of the economic literature showed that often the conception of economic growth and sustainable development of the enterprise are used as synonyms, which largely is not true. Problems of ensuring sustainable development of the industrial enterprises are reflected in the publications by such Russian authors as S. R. Valyansky, I. S. Galeev, S. Y. Glazyev, V. I. Danilov-Danilyan, L. V. Dontsova, V. Zabolotsky, V. Kovalev, D. M. Kovalev, Z. V. Korobkova, I. Prigogine, A. I. Romanov, V. A. Sadovnichy, I. Sukhorukova, E. V. Fakhrutdinov, A. D. Sheremet, Th. Schumpeter, R. Yusupov, Yu. V. Yakovets. It should be noted that the attention of the researchers specializing in sustainable development of enterprises, as a rule, is concentrated on industrial, mainly machine-building enterprises, while stable development of the construction enterprises still remains uncovered. The economy of construction is described in the work by the following scientists: Yu. S. Artamonova, P. B. Lyulin and others. Among the foreign specialists intersted in the issue of sustainable development of the enterprise are the following: I. Ansoff, P. F. Drucker, E. Domar, D. Target, B. Karloff, D. King, D. Mescon , F. Taylor, A. Fayolle, R. F. Harroda, H. Richardson, T. Peters, R. Waterman and other.
Results. The authors estimated the factors limiting the financial and innovation activity of construction organizations and determined the type of financial situation by the example of «Penzastroy» Plc.
Conclusions. In order to survive, the model of investment-construction complex, as a model of an open system, must have the following subsystems: a control subsystem; an adaptation subsystem, that monitors economic environment and provides conformity of construction products to the changing situation on the market; a revenue control subsystem, that controls the flow of resources; a subsystem of production, transforming material, technical, human and other resources of enterprises in the construction products; a control subsystem in distribution of products associated with distribution of construction products; a subsystem that supports and collaborates with other subsystems and coordinates all current actions. The list of subsystems should be added also by the seventh subsystem – a social subsystem that is responsible for the social climate within the corporation. It is connected with the fact that in occurrence of new economic relations in Russia a huge impact on activities of any organization purchased is exerted by the interpersonal relations within the groups. The study of successful corporations abroad showed that effectiveness thereof depends on how comfortable are the work conditions for each employee.

Key words

construction industry, financial stability, mechanism of stable development, investing-construction comples.

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:56
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:12